Monday, April 6, 2009


Easter is the most important celebration of our faith; it is the very essence of what makes us Christian. Therefore, it is important that we find meaningful ways to celebrate its significance with our children in order to build a deeper level of understanding as they mature in their walk with the Lord.

I want to share one of the activities that I began with my own children over 25 years ago. We took items that represented events that happened during Holy Week and put them in our Easter baskets. We called them our Holy Week baskets, and some years we called them our Resurrection Baskets because Jesus rose from the dead! I began to make these with the children at school and church as well, and in time taught this concept at conferences and finally published it about 20 years ago.

It encouraged me to see children grow into a deeper understanding of that most profound and significant week in the life of Jesus, and for us as believers in our risen Lord. The Bible says in John 11:25, "Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me will live, even though he dies." As believers, we want our children to understand, know and believe that Jesus is the resurrection and the life.

This interactive learning activity is one of the ways we can help them. We have other documents that you can download and copy as well. If I can be of service to you in any way, please contact me. Have a blessed Easter because we serve a risen Savior.

Making Holy Week Baskets With Your Children

Holy Week Baskets Booklet

Jelly Bean Prayer
(simple version)

Jelly Bean Prayer
(fancy version)



Marsha said...

I am so glad I found your site! I'm a wife, mother, grandmother, tutor, mentor and educator and there's so much great info here.
I'm going to post a link to your blog from my blog. I have several moms that frequent my blog and I know they'll love your site.

bp said...

Thank you for sharing these wonderful ideas! I'm glad Marsha linked to you today! God bless you,