Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Timely Tips for a Tremendous 2010

Happy New Year! Wasn't it only yesterday we were worried about Y2K? Where did the decade go? For us personally,we went through some major passages of time. All four of our parents went to be with the Lord during this decade. We now have four beautiful grandchildren. We enjoy the seasons of life unfolding and are very content in our autumn years.

New Year's always makes me very reflective. Normally, I like to have all the Christmas put away, everything clean, organized and ready for the New Year. My gift to myself is to spend New Year's Day reading, writing, and reflecting.

This year was a little different because both Paul and I had to work. The Dallas Symphony did concerts on New Year's Eve and New Year's Day for the first time in Paul's 39 years with the symphony. On New Year's I did a radio program on "Hope - the Anchor for Your Soul" and also, telling people about the new Hope Center and Hope Biblical Training Program which begins this month. I will share more about this next week.

On New Year's Day we taped TV programs for January and February at the Hope Center since we thought it would be quiet. Later that evening we had a wonderful belated Christmas with our oldest son and his family since we were not with them for Christmas this year.

All in all, my cleaning, organizing, and reflecting came later for this New Year. As I reflected upon the Lord's goodness in 2009, my heart overflowed with gratitude for His loving kindness. To be honest, it wasn't until I began listing all my praises, that I realized how many there were. Amazing how when I practice what I tell others to do, it actually works!

Here are a few suggestions from my New Year's television program "12 Timely Tips for a Tremendous 2010". You may see the program in it's entirety on the education channel at WebTV4Women

1. PRAY: The Bible tells us in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 to "pray without ceasing...to pray continually." While it is important to have a quiet time with God, we can also pray when we're in the car, walking, and doing other activities. God simply wants us to communicate with Him.

2. PONDER: Where does my identify come from? What gives me significance? Who gives me significance? January is a good time to go through the Bible study "Seeing Yourself Through God's Eyes" by June Hunt. I have done it for the past four January's and each time, I learn more about myself and my relationship with Christ.

3. PERHAPS, it is time to PUT some burdens down. 2009 held a lot of fear, anger, and frustration for many people. If we hold on to those emotions and bring them into the New Year, they will weigh us down. Let's take time to forgive others, to let go of resentment, talk through what we are angry about and begin the New Year without all those burdens pulling us down.

4. PLANS: What are some plans you would like to see happen? You may want to talk about them or write them down. Perhaps you may want to post them on sticky notes in your office or home, or even journal them. The Bible says..."For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future." Are you trusting God with your plans?

Corrie ten Boom says: "God has no problems with our lives, only plans."

5. PREPARE 3 goals that you believe are achievable.

6. PROVIDE time to work on those.

7. PARTICIPATE in activities that will get you there. Over Christmas, I read the book, "Outliers" by Malcolm Gladwel. It's fascinating and I encourage you to read the book. One of the chapters was on "The 10,000 Rule" which states that the common denominator with people who are successful is they spent at least 10,000 hours doing the activity they are successful in. In light of that thought, you want to start now. Prepare your goals, provide time to work on them, and participate in activities that will help you achieve your goals.

8. PRIORITIZE your day so that your goals get priority time. What is the best time of day for you? Are you a morning person? Night person? When are you more likely to not be interrupted? Prioritize that day to the best of your ability.

9. PURSUE: Study the Scriptures...write down key PASSAGES and put them around to encourage you.

10. PRACTICE the PRESENCE: Take time to be still, embrace the silence, listen to the still, small voice of God. In this world of cell phones, emails, texting and constant communication, we often forget to listen while in the quietness.

11. PERSEVERE: As the expression goes...we have to "keep on keepin' on". The Bible encourages us to "run with perseverance the race marked out for us." Hebrews 12:1

12. POWER OF PRAISE: Psalm 34:1 reminds us to praise the Lord at all times. "I will extol the Lord at all times; His praise will always be on my lips."

2010 is a New Year and a new decade. It is an exciting time to embrace the possibilities. May I encourage you to not let the past hold you back. To help you in this process, I am suggesting a few helpful resources that are available through Hope for the Heart. My prayer is that in 2010 God will bless you with people and experiences beyond what you ever hoped, prayed for or dreamed.


Seeing Yourself Through God's Eyes

How to Forgive When You Don't Feel Like It

Keeping Your Cool When Your Anger is Hot

(all by June Hunt)


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