Saturday, March 7, 2009

Equipping Teachers

Creating a Brain Friendly Learning Environment

Brain research is a subject that I will be covering in more depth as we continue with our programs. I have a book on brain research coming out later this year. On this program, I share some introductory ideas on setting up a brain friendly learning environment. Brain tips and teaching strategies are often interwoven at this level. Here are just a few ideas to get you started if this concept is new to you.

  • Create a classroom that is structured, safe and secure where students feel loved. Research shows that fear and unnecessary stress inhibit learning.

  • Connections make us smarter. Connect the information to the student’s life experiences as well as previous learning. The more connections you make, the stronger the memory patterns form in the brain.

  • Hydration helps the brain. Allow for water bottles in the classroom or water breaks through out the day.

  • Playing classical music quietly when your students arrive in the morning establishes order in the brain. Arts enhance academic learning!

  • Take a learning styles approach and allow for multiple modalities. Enrich your learning environment with age appropriate visuals and hands on learning activities.

  • Cross lateral activities (when we cross the midline of the brain) help integrate information in the two hemispheres of the brain.

  • If possible, use natural light as well as natural lighting bulbs instead of the old fluorescent lighting.

I welcome your ideas because we can learn so much from each other!

“…but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Romans 12:2


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